Drawing from a strong tradition of vital worship with engaging music and proclamation of the Word, we gather at Christ’s table where all are welcome.
Every person has the opportunity to connect and share life with one another through our ministries.
With an open communion table at the center of our identity, we welcome all people into active participation and leadership.
We demonstrate God's love by our tangible expressions of selfless service to our church, our community, and our world.
We seek the way of Christ and nurture trust in God through worship, study, and open conversation.
We invest in young people, birth through high school, by offering engaging programs that build character and equip them for a life of love and selfless service.
On Sunday, September 22nd immediately following our Worship Service, we will have a Congregational Meeting to call Dr. French as our new Associate Minister.
If you would like to receive an overview of Dr. French, please contact Dianna in the Church Office, 301.733.0144 or via email, diannaplotner@fcchagerstown.org.
Sunday, September 8th - Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost
Scripture: Micah 6:6 - 8
Sermon: Welcome Home: The Call
Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks, Senior Minister will deliver the Sermon
Childcare is available during Worship (Newborn - 2 1/2 yrs)
We also offer a Sunday School Program during Worship for 2 1/2 Years Old to 12th Grade.